So before I came to this house I was living in a home with family I love but were not mentally stable individuals. I was severely beaten every four days, and always on Sunday. I slept under the tv in the livingroom and would be woken up to beatings. I then started sleeping outside. My only shelter used to be a vehicle, but I totaled it and so couldn't work, couldn't get away from the violence. I used to sleep in the woods and a graveyard by the house as shelter from the abuse.
I tried to get sober but every bad interaction I had I would use. It was impossible for me to get off certain things because I had zero will power. I had no will to live. I had not smiled in years, didnt laugh. Didn't even think it was possible without using substances. I was angry and tired. Sleeping 18 hours a day. And refusing to get up, even allowed being beaten because I could not get up.. I was working my way to suicide.
My life was what I made of it and it was personal hell.
Now my life has hope, I smile I laugh, I understand that I can feel emotions without having to numb myself. I learned that I can restart my day as many times as I want. I know now that I have a part in what has happened to me in every situation in my life. I have a loving relationship with my family, I know I can not live with them peacefully but I can love them from afar and that is how it has to be to maintain a healthy relationship with them. I'm working again, I'm saving money, Stacy's house rent is super affordable and has allowed me to have things I wouldn't have been able to afford just moving to this city alone. I pay a rent and I receive free utilities. Even help with food when ever needed.
I never had friends as an adult and was a hermit by choice, Stacy's houses has helped desensitize me to people. Helped me create friendships and learn that people are not a bad thing. That people can care about you without wanting something in return.
Stacy's houses has helped me learn that I can accept people and things as they are. That I don't have to have everything and everyone be and act the way I think they should. I used to place my morals upon other people unknowingly and then be disappointed or angry when they did not respect these "hidden agreements"
I'm learning a lot and gaining more serenity and happiness everyday. I'm happy to be alive today and 9 months ago I could not have fathomed how good my life would be today, 9 months ago I wanted to die. I wanted to be in the void and not feel, to not be awake.
I'm learning to face what makes me uncomfortable and to grow.
Stacy's houses is a safe place to learn to grow and be an adult in this world without having to use and numb the world to make it palpable..
💚I've been in Stacy's house since may of 2021. When I got out prison I was looking for a structured environment where I could grow as a person. What I ended up finding was so much more than that. I have a family now, and this house has become my safe haven. I spent over 20 something years in active addiction. I came into this house with a lifetime of trauma and Warren house is where I started to heal. My life will never be the same. Now I get the chance to help other women and I am so grateful for the chance to give back. Recovery is the same whether its AA or NA; if you want what we have and are willing to go to any lengths to get it Unity House is a wonderful place to build a foundation.
So before I came to this house I was living in a home with family I love but were not mentally stable individuals. I was severely beaten every four days, and always on Sunday. I slept under the tv in the livingroom and would be woken up to beatings. I then started sleeping outside. My only shelter used to be a vehicle, but I totaled it and so couldn't work, couldn't get away from the violence. I used to sleep in the woods and a graveyard by the house as shelter from the abuse.
I tried to get sober but every bad interaction I had I would use. It was impossible for me to get off certain things because I had zero will power. I had no will to live. I had not smiled in years, didnt laugh. Didn't even think it was possible without using substances. I was angry and tired. Sleeping 18 hours a day. And refusing to get up, even allowed being beaten because I could not get up.. I was working my way to suicide.
My life was what I made of it and it was personal hell.
Now my life has hope, I smile I laugh, I understand that I can feel emotions without having to numb myself. I learned that I can restart my day as many times as I want. I know now that I have a part in what has happened to me in every situation in my life. I have a loving relationship with my family, I know I can not live with them peacefully but I can love them from afar and that is how it has to be to maintain a healthy relationship with them. I'm working again, I'm saving money, Stacy's house rent is super affordable and has allowed me to have things I wouldn't have been able to afford just moving to this city alone. I pay a rent and I receive free utilities. Even help with food when ever needed.
I never had friends as an adult and was a hermit by choice, Stacy's houses has helped desensitize me to people. Helped me create friendships and learn that people are not a bad thing. That people can care about you without wanting something in return.
Stacy's houses has helped me learn that I can accept people and things as they are. That I don't have to have everything and everyone be and act the way I think they should. I used to place my morals upon other people unknowingly and then be disappointed or angry when they did not respect these "hidden agreements"
I'm learning a lot and gaining more serenity and happiness everyday. I'm happy to be alive today and 9 months ago I could not have fathomed how good my life would be today, 9 months ago I wanted to die. I wanted to be in the void and not feel, to not be awake.
I'm learning to face what makes me uncomfortable and to grow.
Stacy's houses is a safe place to learn to grow and be an adult in this world without having to use and numb the world to make it palpable..
💚I've been in Stacy's house since may of 2021. When I got out prison I was looking for a structured environment where I could grow as a person. What I ended up finding was so much more than that. I have a family now, and this house has become my safe haven. I spent over 20 something years in active addiction. I came into this house with a lifetime of trauma and Warren house is where I started to heal. My life will never be the same. Now I get the chance to help other women and I am so grateful for the chance to give back. Recovery is the same whether its AA or NA; if you want what we have and are willing to go to any lengths to get it Unity House is a wonderful place to build a foundation.